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Showing posts from 2020

If you don't grow....

 Pastor Creflo Dollar has been praying on facebook everyday since the coronavirus increased social isolation. I have loved the sessions that I have been able to watch. Today he shared this nugget above and it spoke to me a lot. I have been hearing a lot about personal growth and I have had to grow a lot this year. I think it was striking to think about what would happen if we don't grow. If we refuse to be stretched. We leave space for unhealthy things to grow in our lives and we leave space for idols to take the place of God.  #spiritualgrowth#faith


Have you ever had a moment when you realized that you have grown through bad experiences? Yes, bad experiences can mature you. Negative people can make you learn to not get upset about people's opinions.#encouragement#positivequotes

The need to know the future

I read this verse today and an idea jumped out at me. Funny thing is, I have read it before and never really thought much about it. In this season there is more context for this verse because there is so much of a need to know the future right now. We need to know when things will go back to normal and sometimes that makes it difficult to adjust to the new normal. In this verse Jesus was saying to his disciples that it is not for them to know the times and seasons which are in the Father's hands. That statement reminded me that faith is trusting when we don't know. We won't always have answers or find them but we can find peace when we decide to let go of the need for answers and decide to trust. It's easier said than done but it is a process that we can work towards. 

Blessed and greatly favored is the Man (or woman) whose Strength is in God

We all have highs and lows in life. I pray that as you go through valleys, you have the strength to keep moving and not stay there. Psalms 84:5-7 talks about going through valleys and making it a spring. If we do not look to God we won't find that spring in the valley. We could decide that the valley is all there is and there is nothing else to look forward to. Thinking that way will keep us from getting to a place where we feel alive again. Verse 7 talks about increasing strength. This strength doesn't come from ourselves, it comes from God, from holding onto Him, from calling on Him in prayer from trusting Him when everything around us seems dark.