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Women's Prayer Banquet Become A Better You (B.A.BY) with Pastor Dotun

My notes from Women's Prayer Banquet "Become a Better You" September, 2021.
There were so many wisdom nuggets being released at this online event. I just got to write down a few. Men out there will find this information useful as well. 

Kids need hands on play-time: puzzles, lego, creativity from drawing e.t.c. This allows them to build creativity. On the other hand, always watching TV will create hyperactivity. (My kid's pediatrician actually taught us this at a yearly checkup, so this is standard medical information as well).
This is the reason why a lot of adults cannot meditate, our minds are not calm enough.

Excuses are made whether they are valid or not.The 1st person you have responsibility to is yourself.
Age, marriage and children are not excuses to give up on yourself.
No one is better than you, they just know something that you don't know.

Prayer is not a substitute for building skills and building up yourself to establish wealth. Some people are prayer warriors but do not build any skills.
People who take off suddenly in life at some point discovered the key to success is personal growth and dedicated themselves to life-long learning.

Life doesn't begin until you are intentional. You have to have long-term and short term goals.

You can't be pitiful and powerful at the same time.

The starting point for achieving mastery is for you to commit to excellence.
If you are not getting better, you are getting worse.
Get up and spend the first hour investing in yourself.
Reading is key to exponential growth.
If you read in your field one hour a day, that will translate into about one book per week. 
Reading one hour a day for 3 years will make you a national authority.
Reading one hour a day for 7 yrs will make you an international authority
Rewrite your goals daily
- plan day in advance
-focus & concentrate on goals 
-invest your time in learning 
-read books 
-time invested in personal growth produces tremendous results
Treat everyone like a million dollar person especially subordinates, don't talk down on people because they are underneath you. Connecting with people won't be hard when you treat them well. #inspiration#personalgrowth#faith#womanhood


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