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Does God feel our pain?

Do you believe that God understands how you feel? Do you believe He feels your pain? This verse is a reminder that He does. It's part of the story of Jesus visiting Mary and Martha after their brother passed away. He told them that God would get the glory and that their brother would rise again. They didn't understand that He meant that he would rise again based on his command. Jesus didn't go ahead with the miracle to prove himself to them, instead he stayed with the sisters and their mourners. His soul was troubled. Jesus wasn't more interested in proving that He was the son of God who could work miracles than he was in connecting with Mary in her pain. It's the same way with us. Sometimes we just don't understand what God is saying but He still feels what we are feeling and weeps with us. 

A Mother's Day Prayer

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there! Here is a mother's day prayer from my heart to yours♥️! #mothers#happymothersday#prayerformothers#encouragement#encouragementformothers#fifismuse

Women's Prayer Banquet Become A Better You (B.A.BY) with Pastor Dotun

My notes from Women's Prayer Banquet "Become a Better You" September, 2021. There were so many wisdom nuggets being released at this online event. I just got to write down a few. Men out there will find this information useful as well.  Kids need hands on play-time: puzzles, lego, creativity from drawing e.t.c. This allows them to build creativity. On the other hand, always watching TV will create hyperactivity. (My kid's pediatrician actually taught us this at a yearly checkup, so this is standard medical information as well). This is the reason why a lot of adults cannot meditate, our minds are not calm enough. Excuses are made whether they are valid or not.The 1st person you have responsibility to is yourself. Age, marriage and children are not excuses to give up on yourself. No one is better than you, they just know something that you don't know. Prayer is not a substitute for building skills and building up yourself to establish wealth. Some peopl...

Strength to rise


Don't waste your energy

I came across this statement in a Joyce Meyer devotional. It offers a good dose of practical wisdom. We have so much going on that can cause stress and it is easy to get stuck in that state. On the other hand, we can stop, re-evaluate and redirect our energy towards letting go of that stress and enjoying life. #inspiration#stress#stressreduction#relaxation#joycemeyerquote

Happy International Women's Day!

I remember listening to Pastor Dotun speak one day and she said something that wasn't supposed to be shocking but I later figured out why it was. She said "God loves men and women equally." I thought about it and realized that he did. I had heard so many messages from humans that made it seem like God feels men are superior. That's not from God. We have to be conscious of what we subconsciously accept. Don't listen to the voices that say a male child is superior to a female child or the voice that blames a wife for her husband's bad choices. Choose not to listen to the voice that says you are not thin enough, fair enough, tall enough, smart enough. Choose not to listen to the voice that makes a fellow woman an opponent instead of a sister. #happy international women's day#womenhelpingwomen#youareenough#selflove