Do you believe that God understands how you feel? Do you believe He feels your pain? This verse is a reminder that He does. It's part of the story of Jesus visiting Mary and Martha after their brother passed away. He told them that God would get the glory and that their brother would rise again. They didn't understand that He meant that he would rise again based on his command. Jesus didn't go ahead with the miracle to prove himself to them, instead he stayed with the sisters and their mourners. His soul was troubled. Jesus wasn't more interested in proving that He was the son of God who could work miracles than he was in connecting with Mary in her pain. It's the same way with us. Sometimes we just don't understand what God is saying but He still feels what we are feeling and weeps with us.
The phrase " existential crisis" may sound deep and far fetched to you so lets use Job's story to set it up. Let's introduce Job, a wealthy man with kids who do what most rich kids do, they party. He has lots of land. Set up a large farm in your mind and add some 7000 sheep, 3000 camels, 1000 oxen and 500 female donkeys. You need a lot of land to hold all those animals! He is a man with so much integrity that one book of the bible is dedicated to him. The question is why did he have so many trials? Everything went wrong in Job's life, yes e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. It all started with something he could not see in Job chapter 1. God boasts about Job and Satan tells God that the only reason Job serves him is because of the things God does for him. His proposition is for God to let him , Satan, switch things around so that Job would curse God. God agrees but states that Satan cannot take Job's life. ...
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