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Two Healthy Avocado Sandwiches and Homemade Ginger tea: A way to help Millennials "save for a home."- Sizzle Drizzle recipes

I remember the first time I told a college classmate that I loved avocado on bread. Her reaction was "that sounds weird." Some other people in earshot of the conversation also gave me strange looks. I actually had never heard of an avocado sandwich at that time but now eating avocado toasts or sandwiches is a major trend. Avocados are highly nutritious, containing 20 essential nutrients, so I consider their rise in popularity a good thing.  According to the Washington Post, the rise of the avocado in America began in 2015.  I have inserted a link here to the Washington Post article: "The rise of the avocado, America's new favorite fruit."  This year, 2017, avocados are still popular enough to cause an uproar on social media (read tweets here) in response to millionaire Tim Gurner's statement during an interview on 60 minutes. He spoke about Millenial Australians not being able to buy houses because they are unemployed and spend "forty dollars a day buying special avocado and coffee"(watch the interview here). The good news is, you don't have to spend forty dollars on coffee and avocado toast, you can just make it at home! I was a little alarmed at the fact that Gurner's allotted estimate was $40 a day to avocado and coffee. It seems rather high compared to the price of avocado and bread in stores. Anyway, below are two simple sandwich recipes. You can toast the bread before adding the toppings in either of these recipes if the toasted version of an avocado sandwich is preferred.

Avocado, red cabbage, and tomatoes  


2 slices of honey wheat bread,
1/2 of a ripe avocado 
4 slices of Roma tomato
Chopped red cabbage
1/2 a tablespoon of real mayonnaise
salt and black pepper to season avocado

1.)Wash and cut one avocado in half, and separate it from its skin by scooping it out with a spoon or table knife. You don't need to cut the inner shell/seed in half, cut around it  
2.)Spread the avocado over the two slices of bread and season with black pepper and salt. You don't eat this right away so the salt has some time to melt. Using your spoon or butter knife spread the seasoning into the avocado. 
3) Cut 4 slices of your Roma tomato and place on each piece of bread, add slices of red cabbage. If more creaminess is desired, 1/2  a tablespoon of real mayonnaise can be slapped on top of the ingredients. 

Avocado, egg and tomato sandwich with homemade ginger tea

Avocado, egg, and tomato sandwich
2 slices of honey wheat bread,
1/2 of a ripe avocado 
4 slices of Roma tomato
1 hard-boiled egg (it boils in about 5minutes)
salt and black pepper to season 


1.)Wash and cut one avocado in half, and separate it from its skin by scooping it out with a spoon or table knife. You don't need to cut the inner shell/seed in half, cut around it  
2.)Spread the avocado over the two slices of bread and season with black pepper and salt. You don't eat this right away so the salt has some time to melt. Using your spoon or butter knife spread the seasoning into the avocado. 
3) Cut the egg into 4 or 5 slices and place on the slices of bread as shown in the picture above. I enjoyed each slice by folding it over. It was pretty creamy even without adding mayonnaise to it.

Ginger, Lemon, and Honey Tea ( a great natural decongestant) 
1 medium-sized bulb of ginger
1 slice of a medium sized lemon
Pure and simple honey, 1 or 2 tablespoons 
1 cup of water,
You can double the ingredients if serving 2 people 

1.) Peel and chop ginger into cubes. You  can also blend it after peeling and chopping it into large pieces 
2.) In the ginger tea shown above, I chopped the ginger into cubes but I sometimes blend it. Blending it gives the tea a more spicy kick, chopping it allows me to chew the cube while drinking the tea and the spiciness hits my throat while I chew it.
3.) Put water and ginger in a pot, bring to boiling point. This usually will occur within 3 to 5 minutes. As the water boils the ginger is infused into it.
4) Pour into a tea cup, add honey and squeeze in lemon. ( Lemon is a great source of vitamin C and is really soothing on the throat). 


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