In a space of one week, I met two people who said to me that they did not feel a place existed in the world for them. This statement shocked me. I guess I would have understood depression but that's not what this statement expressed. It expressed a sense of futility, a sense of wandering. If I were to create imagery for it this, it would be one of a well-dressed man walking consistently down a long and dusty road without a sense of direction. He does not stop to ask for direction but on he goes down a path that seems to have no end to it. When asked he says he does not understand it but somehow someone put him there. If you are feeling this way, here are some thoughts to let you know there is a place for you.
You are not an accident:
The miracle of conception is not a coincidence. I have the privilege of being a mother. The transition from being pregnant to actually seeing the child who was kicking inside me finally kicking his little feet out in the real world was surreal. For conception to occur a precise sperm has to meet a special egg, creating a unique individual. After their fusion and implantation, a new life is born. You are that life that was born and heaven rejoiced with your parents as you came into the world. Jeremiah 1:5 in the Bible speaks about God having a purpose in our uniqueness. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart;...." The last part of the verse speaks specifically to Jeremiah " I appointed you a prophet to the nations." God knew you before you were born. He considers you special.
There is a Niche for You
A niche is a subset. A specialized spot. Not just anywhere or anything but something specific. Yes, there is a niche for you. We are all created uniquely and the odds of you fitting in everywhere and anywhere are not always high. Yes, there are certainly people who can go with the flow and make places work for them but even those people have a niche. Their niche may just be less specific than others'. Ever worked in a field and not liked it until you got to a particular job and fell in love with it? You found your niche. The environment, structure, job requirements e.t.c, fit your personality perfectly.
There Is a Place Where You Belong
This is similar to my point above but I am going beyond a niche to a physical place. You don't fit in everywhere. Only a chameleon can adjust to every environment. There is an environment that feeds your soul, that lifts you up and gives you a sense of belonging. You may not have the chance to be there all the time but go there often. It could be a nature walk, a church worship service, or a place where uplifting music is played, your dance class or spending time with a friend. Sometimes we become so busy that we forget to give time to the places we feel we belong to.
There Is a Place Where You Do Not Belong
You can't fit in everywhere, it is unrealistic to expect that you can. There are certain times when it is necessary to stay in a place that may otherwise be considered negative. For example, a marriage relationship needs work before it becomes positive. A new career may be challenging mostly because it is new and intimidating at first. Both situations need time and commitment. I am not a proponent of exiting a marriage because it is slightly uncomfortable. It is a covenant relationship based on a promise and so the bond is stronger than most relationships.
However, in reference to other relationships, the need to exit is obvious when an environment is toxic. Sporadic criticism is not a problem but when it is constant criticism and you find yourself continuously weighed down you may want to consider it. This is because sometimes, under the pressure of a negative environment, your self-esteem suffers and you become less than you could be. Now there are people with a thick skin and little or nothing bothers them but if you are not one of those people it is important to be honest with yourself about who you are, what you surround yourself with,
and how it affects you. I speak from experience when I say this. At a point in my personal life, I realized I was surrounding myself with a lot of negativity and it was affecting me personally. I had to be honest with myself and change my environment. The impact on my personal growth and peace was amazing. It thought me a lot about what matters.
You are not an accident:
The miracle of conception is not a coincidence. I have the privilege of being a mother. The transition from being pregnant to actually seeing the child who was kicking inside me finally kicking his little feet out in the real world was surreal. For conception to occur a precise sperm has to meet a special egg, creating a unique individual. After their fusion and implantation, a new life is born. You are that life that was born and heaven rejoiced with your parents as you came into the world. Jeremiah 1:5 in the Bible speaks about God having a purpose in our uniqueness. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart;...." The last part of the verse speaks specifically to Jeremiah " I appointed you a prophet to the nations." God knew you before you were born. He considers you special.
There is a Niche for You
A niche is a subset. A specialized spot. Not just anywhere or anything but something specific. Yes, there is a niche for you. We are all created uniquely and the odds of you fitting in everywhere and anywhere are not always high. Yes, there are certainly people who can go with the flow and make places work for them but even those people have a niche. Their niche may just be less specific than others'. Ever worked in a field and not liked it until you got to a particular job and fell in love with it? You found your niche. The environment, structure, job requirements e.t.c, fit your personality perfectly.
There Is a Place Where You Belong
This is similar to my point above but I am going beyond a niche to a physical place. You don't fit in everywhere. Only a chameleon can adjust to every environment. There is an environment that feeds your soul, that lifts you up and gives you a sense of belonging. You may not have the chance to be there all the time but go there often. It could be a nature walk, a church worship service, or a place where uplifting music is played, your dance class or spending time with a friend. Sometimes we become so busy that we forget to give time to the places we feel we belong to.
There Is a Place Where You Do Not Belong
You can't fit in everywhere, it is unrealistic to expect that you can. There are certain times when it is necessary to stay in a place that may otherwise be considered negative. For example, a marriage relationship needs work before it becomes positive. A new career may be challenging mostly because it is new and intimidating at first. Both situations need time and commitment. I am not a proponent of exiting a marriage because it is slightly uncomfortable. It is a covenant relationship based on a promise and so the bond is stronger than most relationships.
However, in reference to other relationships, the need to exit is obvious when an environment is toxic. Sporadic criticism is not a problem but when it is constant criticism and you find yourself continuously weighed down you may want to consider it. This is because sometimes, under the pressure of a negative environment, your self-esteem suffers and you become less than you could be. Now there are people with a thick skin and little or nothing bothers them but if you are not one of those people it is important to be honest with yourself about who you are, what you surround yourself with,
and how it affects you. I speak from experience when I say this. At a point in my personal life, I realized I was surrounding myself with a lot of negativity and it was affecting me personally. I had to be honest with myself and change my environment. The impact on my personal growth and peace was amazing. It thought me a lot about what matters.
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