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Emotional healing is a process

It is often said that time heals all wounds. I think it depends on what you do with that time and what your wounds are. Medically, a deep wound will not heal on its own with the passing of time. In the same way, an emotional wound will not heal if the work is not put in to go through the process of healing. The work could be reading the bible, listening to seminars by psychologists, reading books, listening to messages, therapy, being around loving people e.t.c, things that build your soul. "A cheerful disposition is good for your health; gloom and doom leave you bone-tired" Proverbs 17:22(MSG version ). The NLT version says " A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength." A wounded heart leads to a broken spirit. Any wound needs attention. 

On, the other hand you could let a wound fester. You will not heal by holding onto unforgiveness or bitterness. It will only deepen the wound and keep you in a constant cycle of anger.

There is something powerful about changing your thoughts and deciding to focus on the word and on God. It can be done. I had to learn this but you can choose what you focus on. Like Joyce Meyer says, "if you can worry, you can meditate" on God's word.

Work through emotions: Earnest prayer is a great way to work through emotions, just telling God how you feel. Another good way is journaling prayers or just plain journaling.

Avoid transferring your bitterness or anger from one situation to another: Ignoring wounds can lead to the transference of emotions. For example, a man feels disrespected by a woman he was in a relationship with and attaches it to his financial status. He later assumes that all women respect a man based on his financial status. I have heard comments made by men about women being materialistic. This could be a group of women but it is not a trait shared by all women.  Now I've got to pick on a woman too, lest I appear sexist. For example, a woman has been treated like she does not matter in her past relationship with a man and she assumes that all men are insensitive. This is an example of transferring emotions from one situation to another. Another example is someone who has been betrayed by a friend believing that no one can be trusted. 

Ask God to reveal your own heart to you: I was listening to a sermon by Pastor Davis and he explained this in a way I had never heard it before. "The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it." Sometimes we are not self-aware and we do not know what is in our own hearts.  Asking God to reveal our hearts and paying attention to what the bible is saying can make a big difference. 

Focus on God's love: It is important to surround yourself with loving people when you are going through emotional healing but it is even more important to focus on God's love.  God's love is perfect and it not human love which is usually based on you giving something in return. It is unconditional. Meditate on God's love, on his goodness. Psalm 103 is a good chapter to read when meditating on God's love.  You could even go further by keeping a gratitude journal. His love is the ultimate love that no one can compare to. During the process of focusing on God's love, learn to accept yourself. You are not perfect, you are a work in progress. Walk the path of emotional healing. 


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